Best-in-class software & APIs

for plant research

A system that allows you to analyse and optimise the growth of any cultivar, integrate climate and soil information, segment plants based on growth stages, highlight specific needs of cultivars, detect and prevent disease, and support you to focus on agroecology.

Leverage our APIs
For your research

Get access to our cutting-edge APIs to help you with all of your daily tasks. Integrate them with any application or web service you are currently using.

We are continuously adding more capabilities, if you are missing APIs let us know and we will build it for you!
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benchmarking in progress

Analyse Growth Conditions

Connect your sensors or upload your data to our API and optimise your growth setup by analysing and projection several parameters:
Leaf Temperature
Canopy Growth
Relative Humidity
Photosynthetic Activity
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Let's chat if you’re interested in taking your research to the next level!